About Me


Welcome to my website, I am glad you stopped by! I was born in Sarasota, Florida and currently reside here. It was after 6 years in the medical sales field that I discovered my calling for Nursing. I have a passion for travel. I have been to 3 continents, 11 countries and 27 states and my adventures continue! I believe in always finding the silver lining. I LOVE yoga and anything active and I am always striving to be the best version of myself!

Things that make my heart full: snuggles with my frenchie, daily gratitude lists, journaling aka “The morning pages,” deepening my yoga practice, traveling to new places, creating memories and being selfless!

My Story

I began my journey with yoga in 2015 when I was facing a challenging time in my life. Yoga became my outlet to clear my mind and cultivate a space of learning and transformation. I began taking both private lessons and group classes and made it a regular practice of mine. Through my continued practice, I continue to learn the importance of staying in the present, living with no expectations and being mindful of self care. 2018 has been one of my most trailing and dark years yet. I continue my yoga journey today at a deeper level integrating meditation practices, chakra balancing and HeartMath.

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